Recognizing the fact that the very instinct of self preservation demands the closer union of all branches of organized labor in order that equality of right and privilege may be obtained for wage earners, we, the representatives of the labor unions of Delaware in convention assembled do hereby unite our forces in labor’s cause and call upon wage earners throughout the State to join with us in obtaining needed industrial, economic, political and social reforms, and to affirm the rights of all workers to organize themselves peacefully together. We seek the fulfillment of these hopes and aspirations through democratic processes within the framework of our constitutional government and consistent with our institutions and traditions. At the collective bargaining table, in the community, in the exercise of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, we shall responsibly serve the interests of all people. We believe in the basic right of free people, and we oppose all anti-labor and anti-democratic efforts to shackle labor. A free and unshackled trade union movement is indispensable to a democratic society. Pursuant to the National AFL-CIO Constitution, this organization shall be based upon a constitutional recognition that unions in the private sector, public sector, and construction industry and appropriate, equal and necessary as methods of trade unions organization, and we recognize the rights of unions in every industry and economic sector.
Grateful for the fine traditions of the past, confined of meeting the challenge of the future, we proclaim this constitution.